Thursday, September 17, 2009

Amigurumi...when you're not looking...

Ever wonder what your Darling Designer Dolls do when nobody's looking?
I'll bet it's something like this...

(you can turn off the radio at the bottom of the page)


  1. OMG Sooooooo cute!!!! Love the vintage tune!

  2. LOL... I'm working on the wheat bread post, but just as I thought, the data is astoundingly voluminous on the topic. Tryin to get it right before I bitch, moan and complain about it. When the post is done, I'll send you a personal invite/copy or what ever. I love you for even asking, there's the truth! Keri

  3. Those are so darn cute! Did you make those? Enjoyed both vids, though I couldn't understand a thing in the first one. lol. So cute.

  4. heehee- they're singing in Japanese. I have'nt made any singing bunnies or bears yet, but y'never know ;o)


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