Well, sometime ago,
in a search for something to do while recovering from
Carpal Tunnel
I joined a book reviewers club.
This book club was the esteemed and reputable Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers.
Sounds rather, posh doesn't it?
(In the meantime they've changed the name to 'BookSNEEZE'
And if you had a blog,
a desire to recieve free books
and the ability to opine on said free books,
well then, you were invited to sign up.
So, I did.
And here's my first selection...
It's called "The Gospel According to LOST" by Chris Seay.
I was so excited! I love the Gospel, I love the TV show LOST, I love free stuff and I love books! How fantastic is this???
Not Very.
I wish I could say I enjoyed it.
I did not.
I am very glad I did not pay for this book. I'm not really sure what I was expecting. Well, yeah, I am. I was expecting to see how the TV show illustrates with all it's plots and subplots, how God works in our lives. I found Mr Seay's style of writing very convoluted and his points at times stretched or forced.
Somewhere along the way...can I say it? His message got LOST.