Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tygrlilies' Tribe for Two Thousand Ten!

It's February 1st, PEOPLE!!
Time to turn our mind towards Valentines Day,
(Ghiradelli, darling!)
and Roses
(Feel free to substitute Lilies, honey, just in case you're reading this)
and time for endless airings of the movie "Groundhog Day"
(which, confidentially, I don't really mind)
But mostly,

Time for a new post!!!

It's been two weeks, for crying out loud!!

(But I'm still gonna keep the
Haiti button
up because they still need help
and I'm gonna put up a
Blankets For Chidamoyo
thermometer too
cuz it's my blog and I can ;o)

SO... I'm on this fabulous little networking site

and I'm told about something called 'a tribe'.

It's a list of 5 sites that I cannot go without reading everyday. Well, Heck! I have to pare it down to 5?? Not so easy to do unless maybe I have a tribe of each of the different subjects I like? Ok, so since this is an Amigurumi site, I'll share with you my 5 favorite crochet/Ami sites.

(and maybe I'll throw in a few of my other faves at the end as well ;o)

My Tribe of Favorite Amigurumi Websites

  1. The Art of Crochet by Theresa- My A-number one favorite site. This gal- with her videos and tutorials- totally taught me how to crochet! She even has tutorials for the left-handed crocheter!
  2. Mygurumi- This designer is a Biologist from Germany! She's posted some great tutorials for when you want to improve your skillset!
  3. Planet June- You will love these cute little MopTop Mascots. Take a look around her blog and see some of the other patterns she has for sale. There's some incredible stuff on this site!
  4. Roxycraft/SnowBusiness-Tamie Snow- another great designer. Try your hand at "BunnyBoo" for Easter For the inside scoop on Tamie Snow the fabulous gal herself, go to Snow Business
  5. Yummypancake- Follow the adventures of Mr Toastee and his friends! (Watch out for the ToasteeZombies!)

And there you have it,

Tygrlilies' Tribe for Two Thousand and Ten!


My 'giggle, snicker and laugh-out-loud-tribe'?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Disaster Relief Fund

is very grateful
for the outpouring of support in our own
fundraising effort.
We would like to pay it forward.

"Peekaboo Blankets"
(I think they need some new ones, don't you?)
On my Facebook page
I've told my friends that I'd like to

start helping

a particular
AIDS hospital
in Zimbabwe, Africa called
It was the place a dear friend of mine, the late Dave Harrison, used to call home.
Lori Batten is a nurse at the hospital and a fun blogger friend.
I look forward to getting to know her better as I begin to send donations her way.

Well, before we could even get started...


A certain big news story took center stage...

Living here in Southern California, the word 'Earthquake' kinda makes your stomach hurt.

But I can't go to Haiti- and even if I could, I'd probably be more hinderance than help...

But I do have a blog. And I have followers!


So if each of my followers took that button and placed it on their blog, then somebody somewhere down the line is bound to donate some money, right? Well, how about we go one better?

Order a Tygrlilies Doll for $50 and help support

Haiti Disaster Relief


Chidamoyo Hospital.

50% of all proceeds from Doll sales during the month of January will go to
Haiti Disaster relief.

25% will be going to

Chidamoyo Christian Hospital Blanket Drive.

(Of course, you could also contact these organizations directly

and 100% of your donation would go to them- I won't mind ;o)

you can donate $10 to the American Red Cross by texting “Haiti” to 90999.

As of today, this tool has raised $3 million for the Haiti earthquake relief efforts.

Give your loved ones an extra kiss tonite.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

**WE DID IT!!**

My Fundraising Thermometer


Can you believe it!!?
We actually did it!

Thanks to your generosity...

Race will be seeing these sights...

...over Easter Break

Absolutely Spectacular!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

TygrLilies version of..."FlyGuy"

My SisterLily, Becky...

(no, not the same Becky as in my last post.
Apparently, I have an affinity for people named Becky)

...anyway, Becky is an elementary school teacher waaay far away in South Texas.

{Angleton, Texas, to be exact.}

Well, this elementary school class in Angleton, Texas has a fabulous group of readers!
Boy, do they love to read!


They read everything and anything.

Road signs,

cereal boxes

passing trains,

even those little tags
 on the inside of the tongues
 of their sneakers!?

"Size 6."
" All man-made materials"
"Made in the USA"

There's some perfectly good reading to be had on the inside of a sneaker!

But, if there are no sneakers around,

(say it's summer and a flip flop kind of day)

Why, one of those readers might just pick up a book.

And if it's a boy-type of reader,

(or a girl type of reader who might just be a little tired of Fancy Nancy)

Why, they might just pick up this book...

And so, in Honor of

"Mrs. Washington's Wonderful Weeders umm, I mean,

Your very own FlyGuy comin' atcha!

(He took off this morning from San Diego- hope he gets there soon!)

Keep on Reading!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I've got a Blog Buddy.

Her name is Becky.

("Hi Becky!" ::waving::)

She's got a darling little blog over @

Farmgirl Paints

(you oughta check her out)


she was musing about words and how she had been encouraged by some other bloggers

to find one that would help her have a focus and give her a direction to the coming year.

And then she asked her readers what they thought their words might be.

2009 was rough for us

(was it rough for you too?)

and I'm happy it's over,

so it took me all of 10 seconds to discover my word for 2010.

My word for 2010 is...


Get Up.

( as in, offa da couch)

Cheer Up.

Man Up.

Pull Up.

(out of emotional tailspins)

Stand Up.

Wake Up.

Look Up.

image credit: Andrew Stawarz


(What's your word?)

Oh, and here's our first doll of the year...

Lil' Miss 2010


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