Monday, December 21, 2009

We Love the 1850 1900's!

No, silly, not the year, the



So far we've raised $1,850
for Race's East Coast Field Trip!!!


Almost there!

Love and Kisses to...
Suzy Torres-Lahlou, Cindy Roland, Bertha Smith,Yvette Lohman, Clay Bays, Yvette Reinbolt, Becky Wyatt, Rikah Thomas, Becky Washington, Nana Eva, Tata Fernando, Marissa Cornish, Denise Vakili, Ceci Kailani, Munkah and GJ, Kristi Gabrielson, Bill and Debbie Irvin, Cristina Ignacio, Cecilia Casillas, The Goetz Family, Rene' Rowan,
Claudia Christensen, Richard and Karen Corbin, Shelly Burnaugh, Tom and Dorothy Driscoll, Marian and Joe Arguello, Tom and Nancy Barcus, Dave and Mai Arellano


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kettle Corn Crossover

Ok- here it is- our first "Cross Over" post!
It's driving me crazy that I haven't been able to post any new dolls, so I'm posting other stuff I think you may enjoy,

KettleCorn! Yeay!
(Can I get away with it if I include a pic of crochet popcorn?)
(ok, thanks.)

So here goes,
The other nite I'm tooling around the internet and it was cruelly and subliminally suggested that


"Kettle Corn!"

(Mmmm! Kettle corn! )

"Oh, that crispity, crunchity salty-sweetness! I must have it!"

Uh. No.
Not at 10:30 at night you're not experimenting with kettlecorn.

Besides- you don't even have a recipe!

So, I began to search for one...

I looked high and low.

I Binged and Yahoo'd.

I Googled by subject and by image.

The first recipe I found called for dumping everything in the pot at once. It also included ingredients like corn syrup and brown sugar. Problems with this particular recipe include but are not limited to:

1. Burnage- That sugar is going to sit in the hot oil and burn before the corn even starts to pop!

2. Corn Syrup- Seriously not popular right now.

3. Slimey Stickiness- ewww.

4. A resemblance more to Cracker Jack than Kettle Corn- blecch!!

Instead, we went with a much simpler approach...
I found it on

(I'm crediting them here-just so's you can't say I'm a stealer-ha!)

Aaand if you're too lazy to go look that up- here it is...

Kettle Corn

Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
1/2 cup popcorn kernels
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Salt to taste

(Seriously people- this is worth $8 a bag at the fair???!)

1. Heat vegetable oil in a large kettle over medium-high heat. (kettle? what kettle? I use a stock pot- duh.)
2. Then, toss in three kernels, and place the lid on the kettle.
3. Wait for the kernels to pop.
4. Once popped, quickly add the remaining kernels and stir in the sugar.
5. Replace the lid, and listen for the kernels to start popping.
6. Shake to keep the kernels from burning, lowering the heat to medium.
7. Repeat until all kernels have popped.
8. Then, salt to taste, and enjoy!

(true confession? I sprinkle another tablespoon of sugar over the hot popcorn before serving)

The verdict?


Monday, December 14, 2009

Joy Kampia O'Shell

Well, kiddos-
Mr Carpal Tunnel
(boo hisss!)
has put me out of commission for a bit...
(insert Monty Python Holy Grail scene here: )

"I am feeling bettah,"

"No you're not!"


and I have nothing new to show you...,
I though you'd enjoy seeing some
crochet sculpture
I found on the internet.

This artist goes by the name of Joy Kampia O'Shell

Yes, that's ALL yarn! Wild, huh?

And this is a great...(wait for it...)

Pizz'a Art!

(get it!? Piece of art/Pizza art? aahahhaaaa! I crack me up!)

Oh yes, and here's a picture of me in my new favorite dress...

...Cha' Right!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

TygrLilies Contest Winner.."HadleyBelle"

Here she is...


And just so you can see a little more detail...

I know-
"No head!"- quite disturbing- Haha!Notice the sparkly thread?

Hadley is still quite young and we wanted some shimmer, but nothing scratchy-

so we looked for a soft, shimmery 'baby yarn' and voila'!

Merry Christmas, Hadley!

(sorry, sore wrists keep me from writing a longer, more detailed post. Next time, promise.)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Merry Sitsmas!

Merry Sitsmas!

Owie! Owie Owie!

Uh-Oh! It's a crocheter's worst nightmare!

The three most dreaded words in the english language
(besides 'no more yarn' that is)...



The stiffness, the swelling, the pain- has come to yours truly.

And so, typing left-handedly, we search for the answers....

How to treat this malady?

How to relieve the discomfort?

And more importantly-

how soon can I get back to work!!??

So what do you do about it?

Any suggestions, tips or tricks?

Do you use special tools?

Do special exercises?

What works for you?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

TygrLily finds...Mr. Toastee!

As I was hiding from work,
err, I mean,
doing research late into the evening,
I ran across a darling blog belonging to one,

"The Adventures of Mr. Toastee"

This is Mr. Toastee.

This is Mrs. Toastee.

This is Mr. Toastee's Halloween Costume.
(He went as a frog.)

This is..
umm,...well, this is ...

This is obviously a private conversation so...

let's move on...


This is Mr Toastee's friend, the Breakfast Monster

I believe his name is Sir Francis Bacon...

(My, that Mr Toastee sure has some Hoity Toity friends!

Here are some more of Mr. Toastee's friends

the Alice in Wonderland Characters.

(Sorry these are so small, I couldn't steal, err, find a bigger picture)

We hope you enjoyed meeting our new friends,

Mr Toastee

and Yummy Pancake.

And we hope you'll pay them a visit.

(Tell them Tygrlilies sent you!)

Buy your own Mr Toastee here
Read about Mr Toastee's adventures here
See More of Yummy Pancakes' Photos here

Mr Toastee says,

"Merry Christmas!"


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