TygrLilies is excited and proud to present a new product line...

TygrLilies Memory Quilts!

Do you still have Joey's jersey from Tball? Or that darling pair of coveralls Suzy used to wear? Don't toss them out or stuff them in a drawer- let TygrLilies turn them into a beautiful, functional Memory Quilt!
Custom Embroidery included!
Customize your choice of patterns and colors or send us some of your prized fabric swatches to be made into a family heirloom- suitable for display or everyday use.
Any color , theme, or pattern you like! Baby, girl, boy, watermelon, bugs, ice cream, coffee. etc.

$45 "crib size" 45X45 with polyester low loft batting & fleece backing.
$65 "Lap Size" 60 x 60 They have 100% cotton, warm & natural batting (thinner but heavier) and fleece backing.

Handmade by SisterLily Yvette Reinbolt, (far left) proceeds from these quilts will go towards Race's DC Trip fund!