Hi Guys! Sorry to be so long between posts but, as you can see, I've been busybusybusy! That and a doozey of a head cold have kept me away from the keyboard.

This little 'Pippi Longstocking' look-alike was specially ordered by SisterLily Bertha Smith for her darling little newest niece, who will be having her very 1st birthday in September. I'll have you know that little Quinn just got back from a rock-star tour of Europe, and her not even a year old yet! Wow! What a jet-setter! Yeay Quinny!

Ruffley chonies and a pretty pink top. Aww, looks like we just might lose our little carrot top to those beautiful blond sprouts coming in!

Hey Bert, is she my niece? Ah well, she is now! We Love you Quinn! Happy First Birthday!!